///ade by tim

Hello, world!

I am Tim Aliev, your divergent thinker + seasoned consultant who leads with empathy and co-creates equitable product experiences.

→ let’s work together

Behavioral Design


Content Design


Customer Acquisition


Growth Strategy


Organizational Culture


Behavioral Design + Content Design + Customer Acquisition + Growth Strategy + Organizational Culture +

“Tim tends to work in deliberate and outgoing ways: motivated by knowledge and freedom, energized by structure and variety.”

— Humantelligence













Candor + Vulnerability + Safety + Mastery + Autonomy + Purpose +


Supercharging the future

Here to lead your enterprise to the next level of commercial success. Guaranteed.

  • Over the years, I’ve become deeply persuaded that behavior drives people, and people drive business.

    Today, I put people at the centre of my world. I rely heavily on behavioral science to build equitable products and boost customer acquisition + retention, facilitate engagement generation, elevate adherence, and contribute to continuous business growth.

    With a holistic approach to innovation, I create highly engaging digital experiences that are created for humans. And for the human brain.

    Some of the ways I apply behavioral science:

    → UX/CX research + design + alignment
    → Customer lifecycle definition + user journey mapping
    → Client acquisition + retention
    → Lead generation
    → Program adoption
    → Digital growth initiatives
    → Product line definition
    → UI microcopy

  • Is it to Log In or to Sign In? To feed the world or to fight the hunger?

    Turns out, one is more advantageous than the other. How do I know that?

    🥧 (pie): persuasive, inclusive, and equitable copywriting.

    That, and some of my previous products in UI microcopy, full website copywriting, and content design have been featured alongside major projects by Apple, Samsung, and The Economist (The Webby Awards, 2022).

    Some of the ways I apply my writing magic to effectively nudge users:

    → Advertising copy
    → UI microcopy
    → Website & landing page copywriting
    → On-page SEO
    → Company mission, vision, values
    → Brand slogans
    → Product descriptions

  • I design and develop efficient omni-channel lead generation strategies using my former academic background in international business + digital marketing, passion for behavioral psychology, and years of industry experience.

    By strategically employing behavioural-science-backed tools, I am able tap into people’s ambivalence pain points, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, and other behavioral insights to impact conversion rates and further elevate brands’ bottom lines.

    Some of the platforms I work with:

    → Google (Search & Display)
    → LinkedIn Advertising
    → Facebook & Instagram
    → StackAdapt (Programmatic)

    Some of the industries I’ve designed advertising campaigns for:

    → Edtech
    → Proptech
    → Medtech
    → Real estate
    → Post-secondary recruitment
    → Non-profits + public sector

  • When I develop long-term market penetration plans and user retention initiatives, I tend to base my hypothesis off of trustworthy academic research and industry-leading case studies.

    This results in my unconventional yet highly practical use of well-referenced behavior models and group counseling techniques, amongst other tools, to build successful CX paths, run effective beta testing initiatives, efficiently nudge MQLs to convert into engaged SQLs, and much more.

    Some of the ways I’ve helped brands develop successful strategies:

    → Client workshops + discovery sessions
    → Strategy development
    → Values alignment
    → Market launch
    → Beta testing + experimentation
    → Conversion rate optimization (CRO) + tactics adjustment

  • I’m certain that culture change isn’t a strategy or initiative, but rather a complete mind shift that goes far beyond the advertised values on corporate websites or end-of-the-year reports.

    This mind shift is almost always driven by daily experiences that define the internal culture of a business venture. Ultimately, it’s the stories that the companies share, the language that they use, and the relationships that they promote.

    By actively co-creating equitable and inclusive (not just diverse) environments, I can push brands to create truly efficient cultures. The kind of cultures in which people thrive, hum as a team, design smarter, create more impact, and stride ahead.

    Some of the ways I’ve helped brands develop strong corporate identities:

    → Professional development workshops + coaching
    → New employee induction + initiation
    → Employee mentorship initiatives
    → Team building projects + consulting
    → Company mission + vision + values definition

A little about me

I specialize in the development, execution, and validation of multi-faceted digital innovation solutions.

I see unprecedented value in designing human-centric digital products with behavioural psychology in mind. 

→ let’s work together

Some more about me

I’m an essentialist, catalyst, and spin bike enthusiast. A Notion power user, too.


One more thing

Just a few unorthodox pieces to show off my graphic design + photography skills. It’s called avant-garde.

Let’s connect

I’m always interested in hearing from former colleagues and managers, potential recruiters and clients, or just interesting creative folk.

Add me on LinkedIn or send an email!

Alternatively, you can reach me at the number below:

Calgary, AB + Toronto, ON


© 2021 Tim Aliev